What do we stand for?​
Bad hire and poor training performance can be the number one threat to hospitality businesses but also to any other types of businesses with customer service roles.
Hiring the right candidate can save a company up to 50% of the employee's annual salary compared to hiring the wrong candidate and continuously replacing them.
With personalised and flexible recruitment solutions, AI-driven candidates matching and training support tailored to your needs, we are here to help you make the best impact on your business by managing your talents the way they should be.
With speed, efficiency, technology and industry expertise but also by focusing on quality over quantity, we are recruiting the best talents for your business. By getting you the best profiles but also by providing them with training, we are solving your staff turnover issues, improving your long-term staff retention and ensuring the best impact on your customer experience.
With more than a decade of experience managing people and customers in top luxury establishments, we have all the accreditations required in order to successfully recruit and train your talents.
What needs are we helping with?
​​Businesses willing to recruit the best profiles matching with their needs but who also want to solve their staff turnover issues by getting loyal employees and the best training solutions
Businesses who want to stop wasting time and money on doing the recruitment themselves and/or constantly replacing employees by benefiting from fully integrated solutions​
Businesses who want to retain their front-line employees longer by recruiting them effectively and turning them into real ambassadors​
Businesses who want to bring their customer experience to the next level by getting their people to deliver the best customer service​​​​​
Businesses who want to improve their performance, stand out from competitors and improve their brand reputation through the heart of the business: their people​​

What industries do we mostly work with?

Hospitality Industry


Call & Contact Centres

Private Healthcare
Part of another industry? We got your back! We are regularly working with various other types of industries!