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Understanding the Foundations of Customer Success

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monthly article - May

How to generate more sales through what you should value the most: your own customers?


As we all know, running or working for a business can be a real roller coaster at times. And in these ups and downs, customer service is definitely not to underestimate. And the reason behind that is simple: customer success definitely goes beyond ensuring client satisfaction and actually emerges as a key tool for a successful business performance. Improving your performance with customer success is all about generating more revenue and elevate your brand through what you already have and should value the most: your amazing customers.


Customer service: more than a tool to make "clients happy" but a real tool of business performance


Beyond ensuring happiness, customer service is taking care of the heart of the business: the customer. By focusing on the heart of the business, it is also building brand loyalty and enhancing reputation. A seamless experience not only satisfies customers but fosters positive word-of-mouth marketing, influencing the bottom line.


And this is exactly what I like to talk about: not only customer service is more than just “happy clients”, but happy clients themselves are actually bringing you more. From recommendations and referrals to better loyalty and retention, to an increased yearly revenue generated from clients or better opportunities to upsell, the examples illustrating how customer success can bring a business performance to the next level are countless.


Exceptional customer service is also a key differentiator in a market which is more and more competitive, where it is so easy to find a similar offer if the service provided is not satisfactory. It positions businesses as customer-centric, creating a positive ripple effect that resonates throughout the entire business ecosystem.


How to successfully generate more revenue from customers with amazing customer service?


Exceptional customer service is a potent revenue generator, going beyond cost to personalize interactions, foster loyalty, and encourage repeat business. For instance, understanding unique customer needs and preferences allows businesses to tailor offerings and upsell effectively.


It is also about having the correct vision and not thinking short-term. If you focus on quantity rather than quality, you will onboard any client and close any sale. You will also see the customer as granted once onboarded. But if you understand how amazing customer service can get you to keep your clients longer, to make them more loyal to your brand but also to get the right ones who will really appreciate the true values behind your offer, this is how you will strongly impact your long-term performance.


So is saying no to clients powerful? Is managing expectations important even through you need to have a courageous conversations with your customers? Rather than only investing in acquisitions, does investing in your loyal clients by acknowledging loyalty with some personalised presents worth it? Definitely yes to the 3 questions. As at the end of the day, it simply goes to the idea of never taking your clients for granted nor thinking that once the sale is closed, the job is done. As the job has only started.


Develop new funnels of acquisition through your own pools of customers


Leveraging customer satisfaction and ensuring you keep your clients happy and loyal enough to get into the goldmine of recommendations and referrals are keys to creating a sustainable cycle of customer influx. Building a referral-centric strategy involves actively cultivating relationships with existing customers or even implementing referral programs. Though it is really important to understand that the second one will never work without the first.


It all starts indeed with the idea that if you want your clients to go the extra mile for you, you need to go the extra mile for them. Harnessing the power of generating enough trust and positively impacting the emotional perception of your clients are key elements in acquiring new customers through referrals. Testimonials, reviews, and case studies are showcasing real experiences, building credibility and influencing potential customers.


In this digital age of social media and online reviews, a single positive customer experience can have a ripple effect, influencing the purchasing decisions of a broader audience. Businesses that prioritize customer service as a revenue-generating strategy understand the exponential value of each satisfied customer in building a robust and sustainable brand presence.


Improve your customer retention in the long-term


For businesses with long-term offers and packages, customer retention is crucial for sustained success. Loyalty programs, exclusive offers, and personalized engagement are definitely enhancing retention. But they are far to be the main focus. As retention strategy is key, but a successful experience to go with it is as important. Focusing on making your customers happy and loyal while having a set strategy to retain them effectively are key but also inherent.


As I always say, the strategy needs to be about retention, but the approach with customers definitely needs to be about loyalty. As all loyal customers are not retained, some loyal customers can just be coming back to you only when they need help, or some may just be taking the time to always refer you. But definitely all retained customers are loyal. Cultivating a customer-centric culture is therefore key for long-term retention.


Here are some great ways to have a customer approach focusing on loyalty:

  • Generating trust right from the beginning and maintaining it to the end

  • Set methods to ensure you constantly bring value throughout the whole journey

  • Understand that a client may trust you enough to go for your smaller offer but not yet to go for the longer offer you have - so do not necessarily try to sell it right away but generate trust first with the offer they went for

  • Be proactive when it comes to satisfaction (feedback approach, managing expectations and having courageous conversations)


In conclusion, exceptional customer service is not just about addressing concerns; it's a strategic force that propels businesses to new heights. From enhancing revenue streams and customer acquisition to fostering long-term loyalty, the impact of outstanding service is shining though every aspect of a successful enterprise. By embracing customer service as a dynamic tool for business performance, businesses can create a resilient foundation for growth in an ever-evolving marketplace.


Need more support on how to generate more revenue and acquisitions through your own customers? Feel free to reach out and book your free discovery call. Feel free also to try your new online questionnaire right above and get a detailed report of how well your customer loyalty is working for you.

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